And so it begins...

Salacity History Part 1...

Like so many designers, my beginnings as a creator of content for Second Life were humble and somewhat accidental: my first creations were a few gestures (probably the easiest thing to make in SL) that some friends thought were cute enough to list in the Marketplace. Believe it or not, I actually had the nerve to charge L$5 for these gestures at first. (Now they are freebies, and yes, people actually get them sometimes.)

Also, spurred on by a couple of crazy designer friends who regaled me with tales of big earnings, I soon began to dabble with making tattoo appliers. I had a few ideas initially, and quickly was offered more ideas from friends for more. All of the tattoos were a little bawdy and adult-themed, and priced at the tongue-in-cheek pricepoint of L$69.

Salacity, my store and brand, was launched with these. Why "Salacity"? I wanted a word that suggested the more adult-natured themes of the work I was doing, but I also wanted something that was a bit more high-brow and, yes, maybe that people had to look up.

I adopted the tagline from a blog I had been keeping on and off for years (it's still out there in the blogosphere), since it too seemed fitting: "Purveyor of Fine Smut."


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