Branching out

Salacity History Part 2...

While making tattoos and thinking that might be the extent of my creative endeavors in SL, I bought some animations that I wanted to add into a bed that I owned. Little did I know this would be a major shift in creativity for me.

Looking back, I'm sure there was a misunderstanding along the way: the maker of the poses I bought sold them with full-permissions as well as "copy only" (the latter is really only useful for the purpose I intended, to add to something existing). Yet, when I asked for help in knowing how to do this, she told me I needed to be in their designer's group to do what I wanted, which required that I create a simple example of furniture that I was able to build.

I found an inexpensive full-perm chair and a few free sitting animations, and then I bit the bullet and bought AvSitter (back when you still had to pay full price for it). Borrowing on my limited texturing ability from making tattoos, I cobbled it together and got approval for the designer's group.

Now I knew how to "make" furniture in SL—and so I began to work with it more and more, quickly building up a library of animations and buying full-perm mesh models when I could afford them. My first chair eventually became a kinky adult chair with multiple texture options, and it's still something I'm proud of (and sell in my MP store).


  1. Heh, I think I know who said pose maker is... I waned to acquire some of their full perm poses for some furniture ideas to sell too, but while their in world store still exists, the current owners (who inherited it, I believe from the original owner) are awol... Went through the same process, made a sample furniture item, sent in the forms... just silence :)

    1. Yes, you are probably correct in your guess because that is true about them from what I've heard. It's too bad, because their poses/animations are excellent—some of the best in SL, in my opinion. In a post soon I will discuss some recommendations for vendors who are actively selling good animations—would that be helpful?


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