Learning fast, part 2: Introduction to events

Salacity History Part 6...

Somehow, an event organizer (/me waves to Yuna) found my little store and thought highly enough of my builds to invite Salacity to her event. The Virtual Secrets Sales Room (no relation at all to the website which commandeered that name a couple of years later) was my first sales event!

For reasons that pass understanding at this point, I opted to focus on static poses and photo props at that event, rather than furniture. Probably because these were fairly new for me—I'd only been making my own static poses for a month or so at that point. And because most of the event focused on fashion, so I presumed that the shoppers wouldn't be so interested in home and garden (but maybe they would be photographers and/or bloggers). 

I had been to FaMESHed and Shiny Shabby, but otherwise I was very unfamiliar with the events scene in SL at that point. I know now that my reasons above make little sense in the reality of it all, and I may have done even better with furniture at Virtual Secrets. There is a LOT to say about events in SL, which will be saved for future posts, but the truth is that there is no set, reliable strategy that works well for every designer at every event.

Salacity was a regular feature at VSSR for the next six months or so—and along with that came invitations to other smaller events. I tried them all, and as long as I earned my registration fee back I stuck with them for at least a few rounds. 


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