Moving forward, moving up

Salacity History Part 8...

That new store setup and location served Salacity well for over a year, and we slowly grew and added on to our little Misfits shopping district. Eventually we got the parcel next to ours as well, and expanded to include stores for another couple of friends.

The only problem was that those who occupied the neighboring sims were not always good neighbors. One operated a club that was consistently annoying customers in our shops with group invitations and spam about their DJs. Another raised breedables and they consumed a ton of resources, often creating lag. Something was going to have to change, and soon. (And it did—details in a future post!)

Meanwhile, though, Salacity's inventory continued to grow, and little by little I received invitations to more and better events. But the next major change was that, through events, Salacity got exposure to the vast community of SL bloggers—some of whom contacted me about blogging for Salacity directly!

I'd heard about how blogging could be a boost for promotion in SL, and had even dipped my toe into those unknown waters through events and an in-world group focused on connecting designers and bloggers. But this was the first time I'd had bloggers who actually wanted to blog MY stuff directly. I started small, with an in-world group for distribution and a very loosely organized approach. Soon, though, this expanded into something much bigger. (More on that in a future post as well.)


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