Myths & Truths #2: Your store's in-world group

There are plenty of people who will tell you that you MUST build up your in-world group in order to promote your store and releases. This is so easier said than done. And it's not entirely true.

Salacity's in-world group started with 20 or so friends that I personally invited (I invited a lot more than that; only 20 or so accepted my invitations). By the time I closed down operations in-world, I had managed to grow the group to a whopping 103 members. Many of my original 20-ish friends had since left the group, so that 103 was almost all people who legit wanted to be in the group.

I tried everything I knew of to grow my group: I put out group inviters in my store and at events; I promoted it with group gifts; I tried using a group membership fee to retain members; I occasionally would go through my friends list and invite others. No matter what I tried, I could never get the critical numbers that it seems to take to have an active following through a group.

Some stores managed to build up groups with thousands of members. I don't really know how they did this—though I suspect they started during a time when group memberships weren't required for damned near everything in SL, and more people had room in their limited number of groups to sign on for a store group. If you can figure out how to grow your group to huge numbers—or even to substantial numbers of several hundred or more—then by all means, go for it.

In my estimation, the in-world store group largely went the way of the shopping district: it was once a valuable tool for expanding your store's reach, but the patterns of SL life have moved past that. That doesn't mean that having a group for your store or brand is a waste of time, but it's not something I would rank up there in the "must do" category.

The bottom line: if you can grow your group to a certain significant size, it can be a valuable tool for promotion—but most stores will struggle to achieve that milestone.


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