Myths & Truths #3: In-world promotional groups

I discussed before some of the truths behind your own store's in-world group. But how about the (many) promotional groups that are available? That, as they say, is another kettle of fish altogether...

The reality is that there are some groups that will instantly bring traffic to your store or event booth if you use them well. These groups are set up to be a connection-point between designers/stores and shoppers, and they are active ways to drive sales your way.

To be fair, they aren't nearly as effective as they used to be—and some have become diluted or neglected over time, so that they are basically spam-fests now and (I would assume) shoppers ignore them. And not every group is effective for every designer, of course; some will do well for you and not for other stores (even if the others offer similar merchandise), and vice-versa.

Some of these groups will require a fee to get notice-posting rights, while others are free. (A closely-related entity is the weekend shopping group, which can similarly drive traffic your way—I will probably discuss these in another post.)

Fee or no, it is worth learning about the groups that pertain to the kind of store you have, and giving them a try. 


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