New stores and foot traffic

Salacity History Part 7...

Even though I adored my little shop in the Mode St. Andres shopping district, I outgrew it quickly—not hard to do when furniture is the main thing you're making. So I made arrangements with the two owners of the district to take over a larger shop just up the street.

As delightful as Mode St. Andres was—and frankly, it was a more photogenic setting than almost any other shopping district I've seen—the only traffic my store got was generated from events or groups. There just wasn't much foot traffic in the shopping district. Slowly I figured out that the days of gaining shoppers and sales via "foot traffic" in a shopping district were largely behind us.

And so, some months later when we were informed that Mode St. Andres would be closing, two friends and I decided that we didn't need an established shopping district at all. Why not set up in our own space, create a "shopping district" of our own?

Which is exactly what we did. We rented a large parcel on an established sim, what amounted to roughly 1/9th of the sim, and figured out how to fit three stores on it. These were women I also shared a residential parcel with, and we'd named our residence "The Island of Misfit Toys"—so our shopping district became the "Misfits Shopping District" (which seemed oddly fitting). 

More firsts! My first foray into renting commercial land directly; my first commercial building purchased; my first branching out into management of property... So much more was to come.


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