Recommended sources for mesh

As with animations, it can be challenging sometimes to find good full-perm mesh models for building furniture and decor. Some of what's available is poorly modeled, and that's an issue. Even among those vendors who sell good-quality mesh, for many they are not very easy to work with when texturing because the UV maps haven't been given much care and attention. Basically, if you're buying full-perm mesh, you're paying for these two aspects (modeling quality and UV mapping).

Here is a list of sources that I've used in the past with good results (with notes where appropriate). This list is by NO MEANS an exhaustive compendium of mesh makers for SL; if you see one that's missing, let me know and I'll consider adding it.

Full-Perm Mesh for Builders:
  • CCDesign: not a huge selection here, but what they have is very good quality stuff. A lot of furniture pieces, some decor. I really like the way they model mesh, actually, and their UV/AO maps are set up to be easy to use. (MP Store)
  • Clutter for Builders: a large selection of mesh; often on the simpler side, especially with furniture items, but good quality with great UV maps. They also do FP animations that are good-quality, though I forgot to mention them in my other post originally. (MP Store)
  • CYO: a ton of smalls and decor items, plus some furnishings as well. CYO (which stands for "Create Your Own") mesh is very good quality, if a little on the pricey side. They also have a line of FP Sculpties, if you need those. (MP Store)
  • Katy's Kreations: one of my favorites. Katy's meshes are excellent, and her UV maps are the easiest to work with that I found in SL. She's also superb at customer service; once or twice I needed a tweak on a UV/AO map and she was quick and happy to accommodate. For most of her creations she offers example textures as well. This is the store I take people who ask me to teach them to texture things. (MP Store)
  • Papilio Store: a good selection, with both indoor and outdoor furniture as well as architectural elements. The quality here is good, the prices are very fair (sometimes bargains), and the maps are usable at worst and well-made at best. (MP Store)
  • Rider's World: what an interesting and eclectic selection of things for sale here. They offer pianos, neon signs, and mesh letters, along with gemstones and a number of other random things. Fair prices for full alphabets of mesh letters here, which is what I bought from them. (MP Store
  • Surge: one of. the finest mesh makers in SL, I've found everything I used from Surge to be amazingly detailed and high in quality. The same cannot always be said of their UV maps, which at times are very usable and at other times maddening to decipher. Definitely a source for advanced users who want top-quality mesh and are willing to suffer during texturing for the sake of quality. (MP Store)
  • ThatChick: there's a lot here, and a substantial percentage of the things you'll find here are unlike what you see everywhere else. Worth a browse, for sure. (MP Store)
  • Tool Shed: a huge selection of furniture and decor mesh, and the UV maps are very well done for them. A top pick. (MP Store)
  • Xzari Curtains: they sell a lot of their own curtains, and then they offer curtain meshes as well for builders. Very nicely made, and a good variety. (MP Store)
  • Zimberlab: architecture central. If you're looking to make houses, buildings, etc., but want (or need) to use prefab mesh instead of making your own, this is the place for you. Great selections of all different kinds of things for architecture. (MP Store)

Full-Perm Mesh with Textures Included (meaning, everything in the store comes with a set of textures, but they can also be retextured):
  • 3D Republic: another eclectic selection, this one with a lot of food and table-settings options (among other things). Some very nice furniture here too. I don't think the store has been updated or added to in years (they are still showing signs for a 2018 sale) but what's here is good. (MP Store)
  • BWish: a wide array of decor and accessories. This is more your source for things to add as rezzable objects or clutter than where you start for building, or at least it was for me. The quality is good, and the prices are fair. (MP Store)
  • Decor Depot: a really good selection of items that are well-made. Their UV maps are not as well-done as some, but they are still quite usable. (MP Store)
  • Estatica: a small operation with some very nice architectural elements.(MP Store)
  • Grimes Central Design:  lots of industrial elements, along with a big collection of other stuff. Really good quality too. (MP Store)
  • Mesh Nation: a wide-ranging and eclectic selection of mesh furniture and decor. The UVs here are mostly on the well-done/easy-to-use end of the spectrum. The quality of the mesh is fairly average or just above average—in other words, you won't go wrong here, even if there may be a nicer or more complex mesh available elsewhere. (MP Store)
  • Origami: another small-time store, but definitely a source for rope! She has a few other things here too. Such a cute name for a mesh store. (MP Store)
  • T-Spot Mesh Home and Garden: plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, and other stuff for garden and landscaping. The quality here is good, and the prices are reasonable. (MP Store)
Not In-World but Worth Shopping (MP Only):
  • Joolee Tee Designs: Joolee is one of SL's greatest unknown talents, and her mesh models reflect that—they are excellent in quality, very easy to work with, with great UV mapping and superior attention to detail. She sometimes keeps a store in-world, but currently (as of the writing of this post) I couldn't find one. 
  • Lyrical Bazarre Templates: find a ton of cute decor stuff here, as well as occasionally furniture and even a building/structure here and there. Loredana has been making full-perm mesh for years, with fashion offerings as well as home and garden. 
  • UR Building Components: a go-to source for many for years, UR mesh is great in quality and their maps are easy to work with. There's a horde here with a little bit of everything: indoor, outdoor, furniture, decor, vehicles, architectural components, etc. They used to keep an in-world store; if they have one now, I can't find it. Don't miss this one when you're shopping for your next project.
  • Zambooki: I mentioned Zambooki in my animations round-up, and all that I said there is true also of Paige's full-perm mesh. Very good quality work here, you won't be disappointed.


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