Growing ambitions

 Salacity History, Part 13...

The more events you are in, the more designers you meet and become friends—or at least professional acquaintances—with. And my list of fellow designer-friends was growing steadily. As it grew, I found more and more of my social experiences in SL were focused on talking shop. 

One of the things that happens when you talk shop with other designers is you begin to feel insignificant, unaccomplished, and inept. At least, that was MY experience, quite regularly. When my friends would talk about the events they were in, or the amount of lindens they were bringing in from new releases, I often questioned whether what I was doing was worth the time I put into it. It was tempting to feel jealous or even envious of them.

Yet, through those conversations there were hints of encouragement too. The same friends wouldn't let me compare myself to them unfavorably, but would respond with hope. "You'll get there," they often said. 

I began to wonder whether that was true, in an ambitious way. Could I reach the level that I wanted for my store and brand? I began to dream, cautiously, about what that would look like.

I decided on a couple of benchmarks that, I thought, represented a level of accomplishment and breaking through to the next level for Salacity. One was that I become a regular designer for two or three events that were consistent earners—no more breaking even, I needed events to produce worthwhile revenues for the time I was putting into them. Another was that I would have income from Salacity that was sufficient enough to support "cashing out" on a regular basis in amounts that would equal real money in RL.

Over the months to come after determining these goals, I would try many different ways to reach them...


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