Improvements come slowly

 Salacity History part 12...

As I had hoped, I saw some important changes due to my efforts to learn to make my own mesh. Slowly but surely things were improving.

For one thing, revenues increased while costs dropped. I no longer had to pay substantial prices to buy mesh from others; I only had to pay the upload fees for my own mesh—so the cost of production for each project dropped, sometimes substantially. At the same time, the perception that "original mesh" is more valuable (because, theoretically, it cannot be bought from any other store) allowed for a slight increase in prices.

Another improvement was that one more obstacle was removed from my path, on the way to the events I aspired to be part of. In a few cases, this paid off quickly; my applications for some events were accepted and I was invited to participate. In other cases, there were other (unknown) obstacles preventing me from grasping those brass rings. Nevertheless, I was grateful to become part of the group of designers that were known for "original mesh." 

At the same time, I began to recognize what a dubious distinction that actually is. The claim of "original mesh" is a vague, ambiguous label, and discussing how this matters in SL is worth at least one other post of its own. Suffice it to say here, it's not always all that it is cracked up to be.


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