Recommended resources for help/advice

 Every builder, no matter what their skill level or experience, runs into problems they have trouble solving. There's no shame in asking for help when you need it.

Fortunately, SL's home and garden building community is full of helpful people! It's my understanding that some groups of designers are far more cut-throat and competitive (I'm looking at you, fashion world), but that's not been my experience in the home and garden segment of designers at all.

There are some strong communities that are active and filled with people willing to help. Here's a few that I've found and appreciate, and hope that you might as well.

In-World Groups

  • Builder's Brewery: a singular institution, this is far more than just a group. They have an entire sim devoted to resourcing builders. They offer classes, free sandbox areas for building, and, of course, a number of helpful groups. The main group almost always has active group chat going where people ask questions (and receive thoughtful, comprehensive, and tactful answers). They have good moderators who are diligent to protect against anyone being belittled or condescended toward for even the simplest questions. And they have sub-groups, such as Builder's Brewery Blender Users (of which I am a member) and others. To join their group, visit the sim and look for the group joiners near the landing point. (In-world LM)
  • Blender Avastar: this group (and I presume the sister group for Mayastar, called "Mayastar Liquid Mesh Maya Autodesk") is related specifically to a set of products from a company called Machinimatrix. They are products specifically for working with avatars (think: animation, poses, rigging, whole avatar creation) and the group community is very helpful for any topic related to these categories. (In-world URI: secondlife:///app/group/969567fd-6f74-dd45-eafe-ac1fcecd3479/about)
  • Bender Mesh Development: obviously a group specific to help with Blender, but they welcome other mesh-related questions too (especially things like uploading issues, dealing with physics, reducing LI, etc.). Not nearly as active as the other groups above, but still a helpful group. (In-world group URI: secondlife:///app/group/954237d4-08dc-15b5-8094-0d061e512b8e/about)

RL "Groups" on Discord

  • SL Creators Studio: this is like Builder's Brewery for Discord, and the helpfulness is as generous and accessible here as it is anywhere. It's only for SL creators, so all questions are relevant to you if you're trying to build anything for SL. There are tons of categories for questions and discussion. Great resource! (Discord invitation:
  • The Creator Directory Second Life: another helpful group, not quite as active as the Creator's Studio nor with as many categories, but there's more discussion here about stores and brand management. The people here are also generous with their help and advice. (Discord invitation:
  • SL Merchant Resources: this server is much smaller and less frequent in activity, but it is specifically focused on discussing the experiences and issues of being a store owner in SL. Which, obviously, has its own usefulness. (Discord Invitation:
  • Open VFX—The Blender Hub: clearly this one is specific to Blender, and there is a TON of help and discussion for Blender here! If you have a question, you will find someone who can help you. There's also a lot of show-and-tell going on, which can be fun and fascinating. Mostly people who are willing to help. (Discord invitation:

One more from Facebook

  • Fair Trade Alliance: this group was started and organized by the owner of Blueberry, Mishi Akin, and has become a vital resource for any store owner or designer. It's only focused on the store/brand side of things, the business aspect. But for people like me, that is an area where the most help is needed. Some very smart people are leading great discussions here. It is by invitation only, but I think it's not hard to contact the group admins and request admittance. (


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