The Melly Era

Salacity History, Part 14...

My friend Phen had stepped in to help with store management for a while, but had been forced to cut back due to RL circumstances (the story of my life), so I went a while without a "store manager" and worked through it on my own. But in light of my newfound determination to take Salacity to the next level, a new store/brand manager was in order.

Enter Melly, whom I had known for a while due to her excellent work with Love To Decorate. After a staff shake-up with LTD, Melly was available for work and she started out by helping me re-vamp my vendor ads—a much-needed area of attention. After working with me and Salacity for a couple of months in that capacity, Melly took on the role of store/brand manager in full.

This ended up being a particularly fruitful time, and I give Melly a ton of credit for the progress Salacity made during this era. Besides significant improvements on the vendor ads, Melly worked with me in setting up the store in a new building; she helped me improve my displays and promotion at events; and she laid the groundwork for getting a new logo for Salacity (more on that in another post). 

Melly was also vital in offering advice and feedback about evaluating various aspects of how Salacity was doing, and her professional eye for home and garden in general was so useful in considering new projects and bouncing around ideas.

Melly got pregnant in RL (!!) and eventually quit working with Salacity, but she has remained a friend since then and continued to be supportive of Salacity until the end.
