Myths & Truths #4: You NEED bloggers
Here's another one they will all tell you: if you want to move up the ladder, you need a team of bloggers. This, they say, may make all the difference in breaking through to the next level. Now, my disclaimer: I'm coming only from the perspective of home and garden stuff, NOT stores and promotion in general. And, of course, my experience isn't universal or even typical. (Even despite these two qualifying comments, I predict that there will be people who strongly disagree with my unpopular opinion.) I believe that bloggers are very helpful for promotion of fashion-related items in SL. There's no doubt that people will see a dress, pair of shoes, necklace, etc. in some blogger's photo and think, "Oh wow, I want that." I know fashion designers in SL who have said they can quantitatively demonstrate that their bloggers made a difference in sales levels. I think that's fantastic. I also believe bloggers CAN be helpful in building buzz and interest around sa...